Friday, July 17, 2009

lotza surprises!

16th of July 2009..
Happy Birthday Nik Nadia!
hope u enjoy ur surprise party..
n just want u to know..
that i love u, my bff!

<33 meeraMJJ @ wawa

today was nic besday..there are lots of thing that happen in one day just for her..the story begin ........................................................................................................................................................................

last nite before 16th of July :
we go back home as usual..but, me n muza went to sri pentas..ingatkan nak g mintak tiket sHout award..rupew2nyew dah abes..siOt betul..then, went back with muza..beli barang skit sebab nak buat special card for Madam Rozi..then, balek rumah dah penat..baring2..pas2 baru buat card till ta ingat pkul agak lewat aa..around 3 i guess soo..masew tgh buat card tuh, bincang aa ngn Muza about the plan tomorrow..and we will not wish Nic at the exact time, 12.00am..hahahaha..kejam kan?..biaa aaa..haaa~ baru teringat..dlm pkul 11 lebeyh dok gayut..ngn dida, n zue..about the planning..yg x leyh blah nyew..Zue had PRANK call from me!..hehehe~ kejam lg..=)) sukew bab kenewkan org niew..then. sambung buat card madam..dah aa ketandusan idea..hurmmm...

MindMASTER : cik meera cumey..=DD
Mind Master II : cik muza innocent..=PP

at the morning (16th of July) :

memang dah ingatkan Muza siap2..jgn wish Nic..hahaha..nnt ta jadi aa plan..g aa letak cake kt cafe n masuk balek ketew, while Muza pergi kelas..pas2, amek Nic mcm biasew..g college balek..letak card madam kt Stadd..masuk class BC..its a hard time for us..because it is the last day for Madam Rozi in college..we are really upset of the college management, because not appreaciate a good lecturer..huhu~ in class..we not talk too much..i give the whole class to sign and give a speech for madam..while Muza n Zul go take the cake..then, it started to the moment that we dont want to have..because we know that we are not strong enough to hear her last advice and we are speechless with the tears start to falling down slowly on our chick..ehhh!..cop bukan dah post kat post before this k?..bacew aa post bwh nie..malas nak tulis..hehe..=PP

the celebration continued..........................................................................................................................

after class, me n muza still "buat bodo" ngn nik..mcm buat tak tahu jew aaa..haha..cian die..sbb ktorg layan mcm nak xnak jew..hewhewhew~ then, msg dayaa..nie MindMASTER III..hehe..dayaa si keding~pas2 kami pown bergerak ke Damansara..mulew2 gerak to, Sri Pentas..sbb nak amek ticket VIP shout award..hehe..hurmmm..cari aa office Flyfm..sesat betul..tapaham betul office die..soo, ingat nk grak kluar tanyew org..but, luckily, saw one guy kinda macho aa..from far away, i kinda notice the voice && its Hafiz Hatim...wahhhhh!..soo, cool~ kinda tergoda jap..with his perfume smell and his style..then, he asked us, searching for what..and I tell that I wanna claim the VIP ticket..then, we walk together and talk and talk and make some joke..gilew sewel ouh Hafiz nie..aishhhh~ rasew mcm nak hantuk jew kepala die kt tayah buat pown, die dh buat dah..mmg sengal...haha..pas2 masuk aa office die..nie mmg bukan mcm office..mcm pasar mlm pown adew..bising glew...kecoh aaa..dorg sambil jerit2 n tepuk tgn..=PP after taken the ticket, we went to curve..nic n dayaa g try2 baju..while, muza n me go take the cupcake n hide it in da car..luckily us, because nic didnt suspect all our action..haha..=PP

kitew org smua g kolej..yew aaa dh janji nak maen futsal kan..hehe..masew nk sampai kolej tuh..nampak aa danny..naseb baek nic x perasan..pas2 dorg smua masuk court..then, ktorg pown maen laa futsal..penat glew kowt..pas2, i menghilangkan diri seketika..pergi kt ketew..siapkan kek smua sambil tunggu danny n naza..pas2, dorg pown dah abes maen futsal..n rehat..ktorg dtg bwk kek n cupcake..sgt x booleyh blah..ngn nic mukew merah..sebab segan..hahahahaha..then, ktorg pown celeb bday nic kt c2..potong kek n snap2 pic..pas2, grak balek umah..b4 balek umah, lepak mali's..mmg x leyh blah..

kesimpulannyew : bday surprise adew aaa..hanya nic jew yg taw!..kan kan?..=PP







kenew baling tepung...

on the way to mali's..

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