Happy 43rd Birthday Induk!...
(my aunty - Shahariah Othman)
-may gOd bless u!..
-thanks 4 everything~
-happy always..
-happy always..
today is my aunt birthday..which fall on the 4th of January 2009..i call my aunty, Induk..which known as my mother lil sister..she already 43rd years old..kesimpulannye,(haha) I really close to her laaa..rather than others aunty or uncle..her house just near my house..soo kinda always come to my house with her sons..or my mum will go to her house..she got 4 children which all-boys..hehe..the first one is Izwan, 19 (now studying at matric,UM in medic)..second is Asyraf, 17 (still schooling at Aminuddin Baki in form 5)..the third is Ilman, 13( just finish his UPSR and got 5A's and will continue his study at Alam Shah) and the last one is Irfan, (lilttle boy..opppsss! I forget his age..goshhh!..but he born the same month with me..=P)..my aunty, Shahariah, 43 (working at Bank Negara)..such a kind women..always 'belanja' me..and our family always hv vacation together..but be careful!..she can be strict if u did something wrong!..=P..while about her husband..my uncle, Azlin Shah..kinda sporting..and like to make joke around..but not stupid joke okae!..=)
the day begin with..my mum suddenly hv to go back to malacca coz my pak ngah had an operation..my mum go back with her brother..pak cik and my new mak cik of course..=P..she told me that she will be back at night..i dun expect to go anywhere..but suddenly..around 7.30pm..my mum call me..and she tell me to go to Kelab Darul Ehsan (KDE)..kinda mls actually..coz i wanna sleep..but..tetibe teraktif plak..msg izwan..i think of buying some cake..to celeb my aunt bday..soo, i cepat2 siap..then, about 8.15pm i went out my house..and drove to Spectrum..try to find cake shop..luckily..there a shop..bread first shop..and just my luck..there an empty parking..and i just park my car..and went to that shop..at first i went to that shop..kinda mcm xde pilihan..alang2..beli jew laa..mls nak g tempat laen..then..my mum call again..she had already arrived there..i tell her..yew..jap laaa..otw nie..that's always my answer..haha..then..i on my way to KDE..arrived there..i go to the receptionist..give the cake..then shake hand with my aunt, pak cik and makcik..then..Irfan quickly come to me..want my hp..haha~ lil cute boy..while Iwan, Acap and Ilman playing tennis..then cake arrived..my aunt a bit shocked..my uncle asked..mimie belikan eh?..my reaction?..(tersemyum2 kambing)..haha..then, i ordered menu..then i went to iwan and others with irfan..then we plan to sing happy birthday song..then arrived there, we sing along..then we ordered menu again..(menu yg i pilih xdew plakk td..)..aishhh~b4 mknan sampai...we eat the cake..yum2..delicious..not bad..shedap..=D..then after eat..we dismiss..such a simple celebration..btw..i love u soo much Induk and family!.. =P
hye,boleh pm tak kalau tak keberatan.nak tanya sesuatu yang penting.tq